- Ken's Camera Buy-Sell-Trade Board
A FREE forum to buy, sell, and trade anything photographic both still
and cine. Browse the boards, ask questions, offer help.
-Must Register for easy access to post -- This is a security measure
to help stop the posting of SPAM to help make your experience using
our forum a good one.
- Photo / Video For Sale On Craig's List ~ A Buy-Sell Board
We start you off in Pittsburgh, PA. You can choose any other destination
you want from the menu. Buy, sell, or simply browse the boards, and Craig's List is absolutely FREE!
- Cine Projector and Film World
Information about cine manufacturers and various film sizes.
- The Super 8 WIKI Information Pages
The Super 8 Wiki contains 1,994 articles including cameras, projectors, and manufacturers listings.
- Ken's Pictures & Descriptions Of Movie Cameras
Many pictures of cameras and projectors.
- Free Classifieds on BackPage.com
Place free classified ads -- Sell your camera gear here.
My Old Camera -- Film Stock & Batteries
Specializing in 1.35 volt Wein Cell mercury replacement batteries
for PX625, PX400, and PX675 photo cells. We also carry 16mm Film
Stock, Super 8mm Film Cartridges, and Regular 8mm Motion Picture Film.
History, pictures, parts, books, and information. Over 100
years of film sizes and over 3000 movie cameras and projectors
ROCHESTER, NY, June 30, 2006 -- "Eastman Kodak Company announced today that it will consolidate the processing of
Kodachrome film for North America and Europe at a Kodak-certified third party facility in the United States."
Click This Link For A List Of Discontinued Kodak Films
Sad development: The last Kodachrome film lab -by Bob Dotson, Nov. 27, 2009
"Half a century ago, 2,000 film labs processed Kodachrome in the United States.
Now, Dwayne's Photo in tiny Parsons, Kansas, is the last one in the entire world."
Dwayne's Photo
415 S. 32nd. Street
Parsons, KS 67357
Dwayne's Photo has ceased Kodachrome film processing as of the end of 2010.
Last Kodachrome Developer Stops Developing -The Huffington Post, Dec. 30, 2010
"The rise in digital camera use among everyday people and professionals contributed to its decline".
Each month a different camera is highlighted in our
"Featured Classic" section. Read what other collectors
are asking in our "Collector's Cafe Qs & As" section.
Join Today! Its FREE!
- History Of Sub-35 mm Film Formats And Cameras
Incredibly full of information, pictures and illustrations.
- Photorama USA Web Site
Camera show listings, dealer links, and information.
- CameraShopper Magazine
A world wide buy-sell-trade publication for photographic equipment and images.
- Vintage & Classic Movie Cameras
All types of movie cameras, vintage equipment, projectors, and accessories.
- MondoFoto
Visual encyclopedia of super 8 cameras -Very nice!
- The 8mm Film Format Metadirectory
Lots of quality links from A to Z.
- Shutterbug's Photo Marketplace
Check-out the forum topics and browse the categories- Must sign-up to post.
- 16mm Film Collectors Forum ~ Topic Is 16mm Films And Cameras
Ask questions, offer help, chat, or simply browse the board.
- Super 8mm Site
Lots of super 8mm information and links.
- 35mm Film Collectors Forum ~ Topic Is Film Collecting
Registration required to join.
- MAGIC LANTERNS ~ MAGIC MIRRORS ~ A Centennial Salute to Cinema
From an exhibition produced by the Photographic History Collection at the
Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.
- Du-All Camera ~ Motion Picture Equipment
Rentals - sales - service.
- Video University Tech Forum
Lots of help with video and video transfers.
- Camera And Photo Equipment Repair
Find repairs for cameras, projectors, video, more....
- Super-8 Filmmaking Buy-Sell Board
A buy and sell message board. -by Mike Brantley
- The Ultimate Table of Formats -- Aspect Ratios
Directory of film formats beginning in 1894.
Learn about the amazing projection system that makes watching a
movie at a theater possible.
- Vintage Film Projectors & Movie Cameras
Somewhat commercial site for projectors and movie cameras sales,
but has really nice pics and is worth the look.
- International Film Brokers -by John Schwind
Information on standard 8mm and super 8 processing,
cameras, films, and history.
- Magic Lantern Castle Museum
Antique projectors, glass slides, magic lanterns, and information.
- Cinematography.com Forum
A dynamic online discussion environment for cinematography
professionals, manufacturers, students, and enthusiasts.
- History of Edison Motion Pictures
Learn about Edison and his motion pictures.
With an investment of $30,000, Richard opened the first Drive-In on....
- All About Industrialist Charles Pathe
At one time, industrialist Charles Pathe had an international lock on the
early film industry....
- Camcorderinfo.com Message Board ~ Main Buying & General Board
There are many enthusiasts in this forum covering general information about camcorders.
Browse the board, ask questions, offer help, buy, sell, or trade.
- The eFilmCenter
16mm films, projectors, film preservation and care, collector information and
film discussion forums.
- The Brownie Camera Page -by The Brownie Group
A listing of Brownie movie cameras and projectors.
- Phil's Vintage Movie Films And Collectibles -by Phil Johnson
Movie films and projectors, movie memorabilia, posters, plates,
figurines and other film collectibles!
When people describe who I am, if they don't say, 'Andy Warhol the
Pop artist,' they say, 'Andy Warhol the underground filmmaker.'
-Andy Warhol, POPism
- You are invited to visit The Andy Warhol Museum located at
117 Sundusky Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212, USA
Call 412-237-8300 for information or Click Here To Visit The Andy Warhol Museum Web Site
All types of toy and wacky projectors. Some names include Woody Woodpecker,
Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Superman, Scooby Doo, and so many more..... This is worth a look.
- Diagram Of The Difference Between Standard 8mm And Super 8mm Films
14.5mm vs. 21.5mm and different sprocket holes were the main differences.
- Canon Camera Museum ~ Hall of Movie Cameras
Explore every 8mm movie camera Canon has ever developed.
- How Do Movie Projectors Work?
No matter which format, all movie projectors have
several basic elements....
- MacRae's Blue Book ~ Industrial Directory Of YellowPages.com
Find cameras, projectors, equipment and supplies.
- The Classic Camera Repair Forum ~ Topic Is Camera Repair
Browse the board, ask questions, offer help.
The guide lists all motion picture projectors known to eFilmCenter
and the appropriate replacement lamp that was designated by the
projector manufacturer.
- CameraBooks.com
Cinematography reference guides and original instruction manuals.
- Projector Films ~ Super 8
Super 8mm film continues to be a popular format....
- On Super8.org
Impartial and comprehensive resources for today's
super 8mm and small gauge film makers.
- Super 8 Camera
A lot of information about super8, standard 8mm,
and a little about 16mm moviemaking.
- Dedicated to Konvas, Kinor, and LOMO users everywhere
This website is dedicated to sharing information and resources on
motion picture equipment designed and built in Russia and the former
Soviet Union (USSR).
Who invented cinema?, the camera?, or film? -Click to find out.
- Cinematic Terms ~ A Film-Making Glossary
About the vocabulary of film studies and the techniques of cinema.
- Super 8 List
Treasure trove of information about Super 8mm cameras with pictures and descriptions.
- How To Make An Amateur Film
Here are eight simple steps for making your own film.
- Films For Sale Or Trade Forum
Browse the board, ask questions, offer help, buy, sell, or trade.
- The Early History Of Wide Films -by Carl Louis Gregory
-from The American Cinematographer, January, 1930.
The first moving pictures didn't really move--they were still photos projected
so quickly that they appeared to be in motion.
- A Brief History Of Film And Digital Cinema -by Jim Mendrala
Chronological history of films and cameras from 1829 to 2002.
- A Chronicle Of The Motion Picture Industry
It was George Eastman’s invention of the KODAK Camera, and the
flexible film it exposed, that made the movie camera possible.
- Wanted To Buy Or Trade Forum
For people who want to buy or trade films, cameras, and projectors.
- Projector Bulbs And Lamps
Limited supply of Brand New old store stock bulbs as much as 70% off retail price.

- Super 8mm Film
-from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
The IMAX experience is as unique and powerful as the technology behind it.
- Hardware (cameras and projectors) For Sale Or Trade Forum
Browse the board, ask questions, offer help, buy, sell, or trade.
- Cine Film
-from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
- The Bolex Collector
Dedicated to the classic motion picture cameras and products of Paillard Bolex.
- The History Of The Bolex Camera
In 1930 Jacques sold the business to Paillard, of Switzerland, which
was founded in 1814 by Moises Paillard. -Click to learn more.
- Film Cameras Forum ~ Topic Is Cameras That Use Film
Browse the board, ask questions, offer help.
A truely super site! -by Sam Dodge
- Super 8 Forum ~ Topic Is Super 8 mm Films And Cameras
Browse the board, ask questions, offer help- Must sign-up.
- Film Discussion Forum
Chat, debate and deliberate everything movie related.
- Kijiji FREE Classifieds: Buy-Sell Cameras In Canada
We start you off in Toronto. You can change to any city/town in Canada
you choose by using the "change city" link. Many other buy-sell topics as
well and Kijiji is absolutely FREE! This classified ad will not cost you a penny.
- History of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh, PA., U.S.A.
Home to the Oldest Operable Major Planetarium Projector in the World -- The Zeiss II Projector.
- KX Camera, Santa Barbara, CA
Sales, service, parts and advice about slide projectors and shows.
Twenty years of experience in repairing all types of photographic equipment.
- Don's Bulbs
Photographic - Enlarger - Flash - Display - Projection - Film - Video

- Flickering Problems On Movie Film
-by Martin W. Baumgarten
- Paul's Basic Guide To 16mm Projectors
Light sources, film threading problems, film preservation, collecting.
- Super 8 Reversal Lab
The Super8 Reversal Lab Netherlands offers a service for super8 film processing and duplication.
- 8mm & 16mm Cine Repairs
Repairs and servicing carried out to most makes of cine equipment.
Movie news, reviews, and opinions.
- What's The History Of Silent Film?
A descriptive timeline from 1827 to 1927.
- Who's Who In Victorian Cinema
- from the British Film Institute.
- C h r o n o m e d i a
A comprehensive and accurate timeline of developments in communications media.
- French Cinema: From Its Beginnings To The Present
-by Remi Fournier Lanzoni
- All About Filmmaking -by Primary Film Focus, UK
So, you wanna make a movie? Click to learn more.
Its an experience that is shared by millions of people round the world.....
- Find Projection Lamps And Bulbs
Cross reference list for projector lamps.

- Collecting Movie Cameras
Many nice cameras to be found.
- How Camcorders Work
Camcorder systems utilise a magnetic tape recording and playback system...
- How Video Formatting Works
Video formats were designed to be used on cathode ray tube televisions, which work in a completely different way than a film projector.
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